WELCOME TO THE 2-D PLOTTING DEMO This demonstration shows six types of two dimensional (X versus Y) plot. The types are: 1) Line plot 2) Scatter plot with symbols 3) Histogram (Bar plot) 4) Polar plot 5) Log-log plot 6) Semi-log plot MENU OPTIONS ------------ File Menu: Select "Quit" to exit the demo. About Menu: Select "About 2-D Plotting" to display this help text. FEATURES OF THE 2-D PLOTTING DEMO ----------------------------------- In this demo, different controls appear on the interface when different types of plots are selected. The data plotted is generated automatically by the demo application; you can generate new data by clicking the "Generate New Data" button. Select a plot type from the set of radio buttons at the top left of the demo window. Line Plot Display an X versus Y plot of a damped sine wave. NOTE: you cannot change the data set for the Line Plot display. <> Adjust this slider to change the period of the sinusoidal signal. Scatter plot with symbols Display the generated data set using symbols. <> Generate a new data set of random values added to a sine function. The variance of the random signal is set by the slider. <> Select a symbol to be plotted at the data points from the scrolling list. Histogram (Bar plot) Display a histogram, or "bar" plot. <> Generate a new data set of random values added to a sine function. The variance of the random signal is set by the slider. Polar plot Display a polar plot. The data coordinates are given in spherical coordinates. <> Select a color for the plot line from the list. Log-log plot Display a log-log plot. <> Adjust this slider to change the line thickness. Line thicknesses range from 1 to 5. Semi-log plot Display a semi-log plot. <> Change the X position of the text annotation. <> Change the Y position of the text annotation. <> Click this button to generate a new data set for display in the plotting window.